It also examines changes in income distribution and in other aspects of inequality. Opportunities in latin americas healthcare sector 2016. Public expenditure in latin america and the caribbean over the last 30 years. From gross public to total net social spending, as a percent of gdp at market prices, 20 note. International monetary fund social spending database, 19852009. Enterprise social software solutions 2020 it central station. This paper contains an overview of net total public and private social expenditure indicators. Paraguay spends more than half of its government budget on the social sector. Sipri database covering areas in the field of international relations and security, such as hard facts on armed conflicts and peace keeping, arms production and trade, military expenditure, armed forces and. It includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and mandatory and voluntary private social expenditure at programme level as well as net social spending indicators.
Data and research on social and welfare issues including families and children, gender equality, gini coefficient, wellbeing, poverty reduction, human capital. Bc health services and expenditure by service code by. The spending amounts in the social expenditure database are reported in national currency units, along with the levels at which direct taxes are abated on cash benefits. Income and expenditure software free download income and expenditure top 4 download offers free software downloads for windows, mac, ios and android computers. Social panorama of latin america 2018 eclac digital repository. Table income and expense is better to have it together or apart. Labour taxes, social contributions and benefits have an important impact on incentives to work and to hire.
The tax and benefits indicators database is used to. Social enterprise technology can be described as social software used by businesses to collaborate and share information. Caribbean contains data on budgets, expenditure, coverage and cash transfer amounts, as well as detailed information. Guide to oecd social and welfare statistics uk data service. Social life cycle assessment understanding social impacts with openlca and specific databases june 12, 2017. Socioeconomic database for latin america and the caribbean this database includes statistics on poverty and other distributional and social variables from all latin american and some caribbean countries, based on microdata from households surveys. Economic commission for latin america and caribbean eclac, on the basis of official information from the countries.
The elasticity of percapita spending with respect to income shocks is positive, but less than one. Gender, institutions and development database giddb 2019. These indicators have been developed to supplement available historical information on gross social. This article presents the first pooled time series analysis of the impact that politics and policy have on inequality in latin america and the caribbean. America and the caribbean eclac, publications and web services. Social protection in the world, filling in data gaps. Census bureau see their subjects page for help finding statistics by topic.
International monetary fund social spending database, 1985. Caribbean eclac economic and social commission for asia and the pacific escap. A cursory glance at the oecd social expenditure database shows that the oecd average expenditure on incapacityrelated benefits in 2009 the latest data available was 2. Aspire provides open and accessible householdlevel data on populations social and economic status. Hello team, i am trying to estimate the linear expenditure modelles for a developing country with 9 food categories.
Table annex detailed information on the impact of the tax system on social expenditure the aitrs for wage income, superannuation pensions and superannuation lump sums were calculated using a sample file of nzltralian tax returns in 2001. Creates and processes hierarchical databases from censuses, surveys, vital statistics and. Social benefits consists of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs. The aim of this study is to assess the causes of the informal economy ie in latin american countries.
Complete the following steps by entering all relevant information relating to exempt sources of income and expenses as shown in the financial statements. Income expenditure database software free downloads and. The figures in brackets refer to the ranking of countries in term of gross public and net total social. It includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and. Socioeconomic database for latin america and the caribbean this database includes statistics on poverty and other distributional and social variables from all latin american and some. The 2015 edition of social panorama of latin america analyses poverty trends, as measured by eclac. Development account programme on statistics and data. Fiscal panorama of latin america and the caribbean 2018. Bc health services and expenditure by service code by fiscal year, from msp 246 views 4 recent published by the ministry of health planning and innovation division licensed under open. Gender institutions and development database giddb 2019.
Social protection expenditure and gdp rates of change. Program level expenditure is presented as a percent of gdp of the respective year, and is aggregated by harmonized program categories unconditional cash transfers, conditional cash transfers, social. In a time of economic instability, private and foreign investors have the opportunity to grow their presence in select healthcare markets. Information taken from this database should be cited as source. This study examines how democracy, government ideology, and globalization have shaped social expenditures in 67 less developed countries from 1975 to 2005. The total program expenditure includes all hardware. Social explorer subscription database midd users easy access to. Performance of financial assistance program for tertiary education. Global health expenditure database the global health expenditure database ghed presents internationally comparable health expenditures for all who member states from 1995 to present goto. The efficiency of public education spending in latin. Public education expenditure data have been obtained from several sources, as they were not directly available from a single database or, in some cases, did not cover the general government the most suitable category to account for the real fiscal effort addressed to education. Data and statistics economic commission for latin america.
Framework for analysing sector allocations and aggregate public spending. Institutions and human development in the latin american. The figures in brackets refer to the ranking of countries in term of gross public and net total social expenditure from number 1 being the highest spender to the lowest, i. The design of the database must allow the system to generate a report of income and.
The spending amounts that contribute to the profiles are from the oecd social expenditure database, and the broad benefit payments under which they fall, are outlined below. Data challenges to be addressed and resolved in a peer. Income and expenditure software free download income and. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk to the right of the label and must be completed. The social hotspots database system license is now available in the simapro lca software. Social panorama of latin america 2019 digital repository cepal. The oecd social expenditure database socx has been developed in order to serve a growing need for indicators of social policy. December, 2015 1 latin american welfare dataset, 19602014. Social hotspots database now available for simapro lca software. By including indicators of institutional framework such as human development. Eclac has developed a number of information systems related to economic and social development in the latin american and caribbean region. Economic commission for latin america and the caribbean eclac, under the supervision of martin hopenhayn and luis beccaria. Social life cycle assessment understanding social impacts.
Getting current, authoritative economic indicators for a country or a set of countries is one of the most common research needs, and a dozen or so publications here answer most of the. This document explores the opportunities being opened up by new ones, basically information and communication technologies, in terms of increasing the effectiveness outcomes and efficiency. But more recent data on budget execution in the social. This paper examines the united nations economic commission for latin america and the caribbeans eclac statistical data collection, compilation, and dissemination experience. Politics and inequality in latin america and the caribbean.
At it central station youll find comparisons of pricing, performance, features, stability and more. Social panorama of latin america 2012 pdf digital repository. Software in statistics for economists the economics network. Social expenditure databasesocial and welfare issues organisation for economic.
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